1. Log in using your credentials.
2. Navigate to the side menu bar>settings>terminal connectivity. It is important that you change terminal connectivity to host terminal, make sure this is changed in order for the "Kitchen Printer" option to be available to you.
3. Once you have connected to host terminal, click on “kitchen printer” under settings>hardware>kitchen printer.
4. All printers must be connected with LAN cable, and the printer is connected with the system through WiFi. All printers must be under the same WiFi.
5. To add a new printer, click on options (three dots) and fill in necessary details (i.e. Printer Name, IP address, MAC Address and Printer Type).
6. You will be able to see a list of different printers, click on the options (three dots) to do a print test.
7. Once you have identified the printer, you can assign this printer to specific zones and kitchen departments. (To read an article on Floor Plan and Zones, please click here) (To read an article on Kitchen Departments, please click here). Click on the zone and kitchen department* you want to connect this printer too.
*Each inventory item must be linked to a kitchen department in order for the printing to work.
1. When taking an order, navigate to the side menu bar>register.
2. Click on the specific zone and table you are taking an order for. Click on “order now”, select the items from the menu.
3. When you are ready, press “send” to send this order to the kitchen printers.
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