This article will guide you on how to edit Store Module.
Log in to hq.bindo.com and navigate to Side Menu Bar > Staff Management > Stores.
In the overview section you will be able to see general information about the store.
The first thing you will be able to see is Store Pictures. This picture is used for Bindo Platforms such as POS and Mobile Apps. You will be able to add multiple pictures in this section. You are able to choose one picture as your primary image.
There are a few fields that you are not able to edit. The slug and store ID are both not editable and it is auto generated by our system. The other fields that are not editable are the time zone, currency and parent store ID. The time zone is automatically set according to the country of the store, the time zone will define things such as data sales and reports. The currency will define payments and orders. Lastly, the parent store ID will only be shown if the store is part of a chain group.
The store name, business name, phone number, email, fax, homepage, address1, address 2, city, state, zip code, country. These fields are all information about your store and you are able to edit them.
The latitude and longitude are automatically set based on the address you have input.
The store highlight field is a section where you enter about the company. Whereas the business/ service description is where you are able enter more about the business aspect of your company.
You will notice that the store name, address 1, address 2, city, state, store’s highlight, business/service description have an “A” at the end of the field. When you click on this, you will be able to enter multi language interpretation. Our system suggest that there will be a possibility of a multi language interpretation.
In the Staff tab, you will be able to see a grid view of the different associates in your store. You will be able to see their name, role, email, ID, added by, expired at and created at.
If you want to edit the fields above, click on the three dots and choose edit. You will be able to edit details of the particular store.
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