Why can't I edit the title and the other product information for UPC items?
We understand it can be frustrating not be able to update your product information. However, every UPC item loaded into any store using Bindo gets added to (and updated from) a large product database that we maintain. To keep the information in the database accurate and clear for all our users, we require merchants to go through this approval process.
If you have a very large number of items that are showing up Untitled (that means it's not in our database yet), please call us at 1-800-My-Bindo (800-692-4636) and press Option 1. We'll come up with a solution that works for you!
Prefer to skip this function altogether and not use our centralized UPC database? Refer to the "Bypass the UPC Database" instructions below.
To update information on an item with a UPC, you must Report Product Info.
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