This article will go through how to perform a void and register refund. If you would like to learn more about discarding an order, please click here.
Voiding is used to abandon a sale due to any errors made (e.g. wrong press). Voiding an order is commonly done during pre day-end.
To void an order that is attached with a payment, firstly void the payment by clicking on the options button (three-dots) and choosing void payment. After the payment is voided, click on options (three-dots) and choose void sale, to void the whole order.
Register Refund is used for post day-end register sales.
To perform a register refund, click on options (three-dots), choose refund/exchange.
You will be able to choose the order you would like to refund from the list, click on the order. Next, choose whether you would like to refund by quantity or by amount.
Once you have chosen this, click on the red refund button. Click on refund again and your order should be refunded.
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