Reservations Overview


The reservation feature allows customers to make a table reservation on the Web APP/ Mobile APP, by entering their contact information and selecting a time slot. When a customer submit a reservation, the customer will receive a reservation confirmation with a pending status. Front of house staff need to manually Accept/ Reject the booking.

When front of house staff accepts/ rejects the booking, the customer will also receive a email confirmation notifying that rather the booking has been accepted or rejected.

How to view Reservations

On mPOS, click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner of the screen, click on [Reservations] under the 'Management' module. In reservations, you can find the total reservations and all the bookings made by customers. You can also see the status next to the bookings:

  • 'Check' icon: the booking is accepted and confirmed
  • 'Cross' icon: the booking is rejected
  • No icon: the booking is pending and requires front of house staff's action.

Then, click on any bookings to find the below information:

  • Customer name;
  • Customer phone number;
  • Customer email;
  • Number of people;
  • Effective Time & Date (when the booking is);
  • Time Added (when the booking was made); and
  • Status (Pending, Confirm, Reject)

Accept/ Reject a Reservation

There are two ways to accept a reservation. When a customer submitted a booking, mPOS will ring and receive a pop-up notification regarding the booking. Click on [View] on the notification to view the booking details. Then click on [Confirm] or [Reject].

The second way to accept a reservation is to first swipe up to hide the booking notification. Then, click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner of the screen, click on [Reservations] under the 'Management' module. Find the booking, review the details and click on [Confirm] or [Rejection].

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